Week Ending 11/21/2010

Another week come and gone. I've not been 100% at posting every day, but I'm pretty close. I missed yesterday because I had some great ideas but by the time I settled on my topic, I was exhausted and went to bed early.

Monday was my day to help out at the middle school. I enjoy this time interacting with students and adults. Rachel stays with a friend who has two children at home then meets me at the charter school for scouts. While waiting with Daniel for the younger kids to get out of school, I chatted with the duty aide. She is LDS and a member of our ward. Daniel was surprised and asked why he never saw her there. She admitted to being inactive then shared with my her family history which led to her decision to not be involved actively with the church. She did marry an LDS man and they raised their children in the church. They are all active and try to get her to come back. She knows that her reasons really have nothing to do with the gospel, but with the culture of the people in the church back when her grandmother was a child. She recognizes that it is a bias that she just can't get over. I hope to continue to befriend her and invite her to church activities where she can find other friends as well.

Tuesday I had lunch with a friend and she showed me what she was doing to get ready for her baby. That night the Relief Society had a Cookies and Cards activity. I went for the cookies and camaraderie as I don't do the whole scrapbooking, card-making crafty stuff. I had fun talking to a variety of people and learning more about them.

Wednesday the boys had scouts. I don't recall much more about that day. Thursday was similar. I did take Aaron to the DMV for attempt #2 at his driver's permit. This time he passed the test. Cierra went with us as all of her pants have holes in the knees and the weather is finally starting to cool down. It was time to get some new clothes for her. Luckily Rachel is still far enough behind her in size that she can wear her hand-me-downs and still is fine wearing shorts as she is in the house most days. Friday Aaron spent the night at a friend's house and Neil picked up some free pizzas thanks to some neighborhood coupons. We locked up the house and went to bed early.

Saturday, after picking Aaron up from his friend's house and doing some grocery shopping, the family went on a short hike around Dreamy Draw park. After getting back, I went back to bed and Neil watched the kids. Nick had a birthday party to attend at 3:30 so Neil took him there and went back for him later. I was pretty much out of it, but did get a couple loads of laundry done and a load of dishes.

Today was church. The sacrament meeting talks were themed around missionary work. Rachel fell asleep so stayed on my lap for Sunday School and with Neil for Priesthood. After church, I took advantage of meeting some of the members of the ward on a more personal level. I find that I have a better ability to remember names and faces if I have a personal connection with them. We got home and everyone grabbed something to eat. Neil left to go do home teaching and got back in time to get the older two boys ready to go to BYD. He took them over for that, then when he got back I left for Stake Choir practice. I picked up the boys on my way home and now everyone has been sent to bed. And with 5:30 too close, I'm heading to sleep myself.


Amy said…
just reading it all makes me tired for you, busy busy :)

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