Week Ending 2/28/10

This has been a rough week. We've all been fighting various strains of the cold. I've been tired, cranky, and moody. It's come to a point where I've decided I need to start prioritizing my life. We made the decision for me to go to work full time, though I'm still not completely sure it's the best decision right now. The suburban started to shoot smoke through the vents at me, the washing machine is making a bad, squeaky noise, and we still need to file our taxes. These are things that would just be easier to deal with if my schedule were more flexible. And the reality is that I have great bosses who allow me to be flexible. But my work ethic won't allow me to take advantage of that.

The highlights of this week were two birthdays. Nicholas turned 7 on Wednesday and Daniel celebrated his 12th birthday today. We had a combined birthday party on Friday after school. It was actually very nice. We had it at Peter Piper Pizza, the only thing I had to bring were the cakes. It probably ends up costing less and being much less frustrating for me to do it this way.

Today Daniel was sustained in Sacrament Meeting to receive the Aaronic Priesthood. He was then ordained a deacon and had the Aaronic Priesthood conferred upon him during the 3rd hour of church. Neil did the ordination, and I was interested to hear the blessings he pronounced on Daniel. I wonder sometimes if Neil sees Daniel's behaviors as positive traits or annoying habits. The blessing mentioned Daniel's sensitive nature and how his awareness of others will be a blessing to him as he carries out his duties as a deacon. It also mentioned his great faith and his intelligence. One of the things the Bishop had asked Daniel to do during his interview was to memorize the 13th section of the Doctrine and Covenants. I was very proud of him as he stood at the pulpit and recited it. I do wonder, though, if he truly understood the meaning of the words or if he had simply memorized words with no meaning. I guess I'll have to ask him about that.

Our home teacher came tonight. We love having him in our home. Cierra had been feeling sick so asked if he would help her dad give her a blessing with the oil. I had asked for a blessing last month to help me deal with my finger which causes me pain off and on. Cierra has always gone to her dad whenever she feels sick or scared to give her blessings. I am in awe of her faith at such a young age. She knows the power of the priesthood and relies on it constantly.

Neil and the older boys are off at a youth devotional. Daniel had his board of review earlier for his 2nd and 1st class ranks. He is off to a good start and I think he will be a good addition to our small troop. They now have 3 active deacons and 2 who are semi-active. The two come from split families so I believe they are as active as they can be given the situations. Now if only we could get some more teachers. Aaron is the only one who shows up for the mid-week activities and I know it is hard for him to stay focused when there really is no camaraderie. We had a Little Philmont last weekend and the main message I got from it was that the general authorities want us to expand through recruiting (i.e. missionary work) rather than compress by consolidating either within the quorums or unilaterally with other wards. I applaud the idea, but I wonder how Aaron can have any success in this endeavor. He has many friends at school, but his closest friends are already involved in scouts either with traditional troops or in other wards in our stake.

Well, I need to go convince the little guys that they really should be asleep by now. 5:30 is going to come very early.


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