The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown

I admit, I love Dan Brown. Well, maybe not so much him as his books. Truth be told I've never actually met him, so yeah, it must be his writing I am so fond of. I read The DaVinci Code before it was a movie. I'm not sure it was even a popular book when I read it. It may have been and I just didn't know it. That happens a lot in my life. I'm actually more relevant than I realize because my eclectic taste in literature, music, movies, etc. means that at some point I will have already read, listened to, or watched something that is now mainstream popular.

I digress. The DaVinci Code intrigued me. I have a sort of interest in history. I like learning things that are put out there, but I really don't want to have to go delve to determine how much of what is put out there is actually true. This is fine as long as I don't spout off history learned in novels as actual historical fact. When Angels & Demons came out as a movie, I had to read the book. I still haven't seen the movie, though I'm interested in how close they portrayed the book in the movie. I was on a Dan Brown roll and so had to read The Lost Symbol. I imagine it too will be made into a major motion picture. It certainly is written well enough to have some great Hollywood effects.

The reason I like Dan Brown's writing came to me as I read The Lost Symbol. I don't know how much of what he includes is true fact, what is myth brought to a possible truth, and what is just made up. He makes it all very intriguing and believable. He also adds in some great twists and turns in the plot that are not so obvious but yet you later think "I should have seen that coming."

The Lost Symbol deals with the secrecy of The Masons throughout history and one man's ploy to unravel and reveal all to the world. At least in a way that makes the Masons look really, really bad. I have a modest interest in The Masons. Major historical figures have been identified as being part of this group. Again, I do not know how much of what Dan Brown included in the novel is accepted as truth or near-truth. But it is written in such a way that the reader wants Professor Langdon to protect the secrets, even at the risk of losing the lives of loved ones and self.

This is what I find so intriguing. It is just a story. The horrid events that happen to people aren't really happening to people. And yet, I find myself so completely wrapped up in the lives of these characters that I want them all to be okay and I find myself feeling sick to my stomach when vicious killings occur, particularly to innocents just doing their jobs. Dan Brown writes in such a way that the reader is pulled in and becomes emotionally involved. He makes us care about the characters - even the minor ones.

Even if there is going to be a movie, I suggest you read the book.


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