Week Ending 11/1/09

I realize I never wrote last week so I guess I'll just highlight the last two weeks. For the most part it has been pretty average. Cierra was invited to a birthday party on the 24th so I dropped her off then took the other kids to do some shopping. Aaron needed some pants for the Homecoming Dance and Daniel needed new church pants. Neil had left Thursday night after work to go Elk Hunting. He got back Saturday night and we skipped church on Sunday because of it being Stake Conference. The little kids are not yet at the point where they can sit for two hours and I don't like having to worry about them being bothersome to others. Maybe it's the wrong attitude to have but that's my life.

This past week was Spirit Week at the elementary school. Daniel enjoyed dressing up on all the days and Nick went about half and half. Cierra wanted nothing to do with crazy hair, hats, or being backwards. She did, however, enjoy wearing her pajamas on Thursday and getting to wear her Diamondbacks t-shirt on Friday for Sports Day. Neil had the whole week off for the hunt, but didn't end up going back up until Wednesday. He had no success in getting an elk, but did get a coyote. With him home, I was able to go in to work earlier and stay later, which was nice for the pocketbook, but of no help for my house. It's been all I can do to keep up with laundry and dishes on that front as the rest of my time is spent helping kids with homework, doing my own schoolwork, and attending various school and scout activities.

I was able to watch Daniel's football game on Tuesday and our Tiger Den went to the Fire Station on Thursday. Aaron had come home Wednesday not feeling well and developed a fever running between 100 and 102. He stayed home Thursday and Friday. Friday was a half day at school for the younger kids and I had planned Cierra's birthday party for noon. That was a great time for her and her friends. Daniel had 3 Halloween parties to attend Friday night and Derek wanted to hang out with friends. So we did a lot of running around and finally got to bed shortly before midnight.

Saturday Neil and I had a staff development for a Wood Badge course we have been asked to help staff. I get to be a troop guide this time and he will be the ASM - Programs - meaning he gets to be the cubmaster on Day 1 and then help out behind the scenes the rest of the time. Kids had all made plans for the rest of the day. Derek wanted to be with friends to hang out and Aaron was going in another direction with his friends. Daniel and friends went to see Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs and then planned on going trick-or-treating. He messed that up by not being outside once the movie was done as instructed so he had to stay home with dad and pass out candy. He didn't really miss much as the younger three kids went out scrounging for treats and brought home at least 4 times as much candy as we handed out. He probably got the better part of the deal because he didn't have to walk around and get cold, got candy anyway, and got to see all the different costumes.

The two little girls woke up with fevers and runny noses, Aaron is still hacking up lungs, and Neil had a headache, so we decided to skip church and hopefully keep our ward family members healthy.

Well, on to another week.


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