Week Ending September 13, 2009

I love weeks that start out with a holiday. We didn't do anything special, but we did clean up around the house and then grilled some dinner. We were supposed to have lookers, but they never showed. I find it rather annoying when the agent doesn't at least call back to let us know they are not coming after all.

There wasn't anything really going on during the week other than our usual busy schedules. Tuesday Neil had his scouts, Wednesday I had book club. I hadn't had a chance to read the book, but was able to borrow a copy and am excited to read it. It is a autobiography about a young man growing up in the 70s/80s who has Tourette's Syndrome.

Neil had Thursday off so we ran a number of errands, including shipping my clarinet home so my niece can give it a try, checking with a computer place about the status of my computer which appears to be infected with a virus, running to the scout store for a variety of items, and a stop at Goodwill where I found a cub scout shirt - long sleeves with patches from a council in Idaho.

Thursday Daniel had his first football game. The charter school has joined with 3 other charter schools to play sports thoughout the year. Our team looked soooo pathetic compared to the other team. The other school is well-established and the players all looked to be middle-school aged. They were big, fast, coordinated, and had uniforms. Our players range from 4th - 7th graders and our talent pool is limited. They had a lot of heart and spirit though and the final score was 18-21 so we really didn't do too badly.

Friday is half-day for the charter school so I picked the kids up and we went to McDonald's where they met up with other kids from the school. I have stopped buying food for them because they don't eat most of it anyway - they just want to play.

Saturday, Neil had to work and I had a test for my schooling to begin my student teaching. It was a general knowledge test and I think I did pretty well. Science is obviously not my strong point and I honestly don't know whether the reduction in species along the coast of Costa Rica is caused by natural erosion or if industrial forces are in play. I also don't care but figure that if it ever comes up in my class, I can always do the research necessary or just tell the kids to do the research and let me know what they come up with.

Nick had a birthday party in the afternoon to attend and of course, all the other kids were upset they couldn't go. Such is life. I actually had Neil take Nick to the party and I dealt with the little girls, who actually were quite fine that I was at home with them and settled in to watch movies.

Today we had church and I got to sit through most of Sacrament Meeting before Cierra had to go to the bathroom. Because of where we were sitting, I was able to get out with only Cierra instead of being followed by Rachel and Nick as well. I helped Neil in Primary as we combined the class younger than his with his and with 8 kids in the class, it's always good to have a second teacher. With my birthday on Thursday, one of the sisters in Relief Society brought in my birthday present. I got a bookmark, post-it notes, and a magnetic picture frame.

We got home and I got a nap. Then the kids decided we needed to go swimming. The water was too cool for my taste so I laid out on Neil's hammock reading a book and keeping my eyes on the kids. Nick has gotten rather brave and though he isn't a great swimmer when you consider form, he is comfortable jumping in at the deep end and swimming back to the shallow end. The two little girls are less brave, but Cierra is starting to push her limits and Rachel swims back and forth under water along the steps.

Now it is time for reading scriptures and getting kids in the shower. Hope you all have a great week.


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