Week Ending 9/6/09

It was a pretty quiet week. I was sick for most of it and Neil had odd schedules for work so we didn't see much of each other or the kids. I did have a work meeting on Tuesday so Rachel got to go play at a friend's house. She spent the rest of the week wanting to go back.

We were going to go camping for the weekend, but because of the illness going through me and the younger kids, we decided not to go after all. I'm a little disappointed as I have been wanting to go up to see the lava caves up near Flagstaff. So that is still on my to-do list.

We did make it to church on time and I enjoyed the testimonies borne. I missed a few because half way through, Cierra decided she needed the bathroom and that meant all three little kids had to go out. Rather than bring them all back in, we went and sat in the foyer. I don't particularly like doing that because they seem to think that it means free-play time. I did keep them reigned in somewhat but they were particularly antsy today. I taught Nick and Cierra's primary class and they were pretty well behaved in there. But the moment we got home and they changed clothes, they became overly rambunctious.

With tomorrow being a holiday, we had agreed they could sleep out in the family room on the pull-out bed. They decided to jump on it and broke some springs in the process. I'm hoping that is all the damage they did, but that was the last straw for dad and they were all sent to bed in tears.

We also let Daniel have a couple of friends over to spend the night, but the younger one just recently decided he was homesick so they both went back home. They just live in the next cul-de-sac so I walked them over after they called their parents to let them know they were coming home. It's almost midnight and we've got some plans to get up early to do some work on the house and yard. I'd best get to bed.


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