Week Ending 8/23/09

School is now in full swing and schedules are getting ironed out. Rachel is home with just me so we'll see how long we can enjoy this before I drive her nuts.

Monday was a horrid day. I had received some calls from agents wanting to show the house so I spent the morning getting the house cleaned up from our return from camping. It didn't take too long and Rachel and I headed out about noon. We didn't get very far before we had a tire blow-out. So I pulled to a side street, opened up the back of the suburban and started pulling out the jack and other tools. The spare tire was wedged in pretty tight so it took me some time trying to get it out. While I was struggling, a truck pulled in behind me with three guys. They offered to change the tire for me (woo hoo!!!) but the jack we have didn't fit well anywhere on the truck. Luckily they had one and the tire was changed out without too much effort on my part. I headed over to Discount Tire and ended up being sent to another store which had the tire in stock. While I was there, I had them check out the other tires since this was the second blow-out in less than a month. The other rear tire was just as old (7 years) so made the decision to go ahead and change it out rather than wait for another blow-out.

By the time the tires were changed, it was time to get the kids from school. I picked them up and headed out to Mesa to buy some scriptures for Aaron to have for seminary. We also stopped by D.I. to check for school uniform clothing for the kids. Not much luck in the shirt department but found the boys some pants and also picked up a couple of pair of scout pants.

Tuesday was better. Aaron started seminary and seems to be adjusting to his new schedule pretty well. He had received his school supply lists so we did some shopping after picking him up, then it was time to get the other kids.

Wednesday and Thursday had similar schedules with more realtors wanting to show the house. We included a trip to the library and a visit to McDonald's playground. Friday was a half-day for the younger kids and I had a job interview. I'm not sure about the job. It would be a great opportunity and I know I could do the job. Rachel would end up in day care, but I don't see that as a negative. She'd be at the same place as the kids' charter school so I wouldn't have any additional running around. My biggest concern is getting my own schooling finished. I have two more courses to finish up for my Bachelor's and then I am set to start student teaching in the spring. I hate the idea of starting a job knowing that I'd need a 12-week hiatus while I do the student teaching.

This is when I turn to prayer, but the truth is, I'm afraid of getting an answer. I'm afraid of not knowing if I'm getting the right answer. I'm afraid this is going to be one of those answers where it doesn't really matter which decision I make because there are good things to come out of each choice. I like things logical and neat and straight-forward and prayer requires faith and understanding and patience. Not really my strong points. I believe in the concept of prayer and I can say that I have had answers to prayers. But I've also had a lot of non-answers in which I am responsible for just making the decision and I usually screw those up.

Friday night the boys went on a campout and I took the three little kids to a pack meeting. Nick wants to be a Tiger Cub so we're checking out different packs. Saturday we did some house-cleaning and then took the kids to a birthday party. Neil got home with the older boys about 6:00 and had to run off to a scout meeting - which ended up being a waste of time since nobody else showed up that should have been there. They're going to try again on Wednesday. When we called home to get food orders, we learned that Derek had taken off. Neil finally tracked him down and had a conversation with him. It pretty much ruined the rest of the evening and weekend.

This morning we got up and got everybody ready for church only to get out to the suburban with a dead battery. We shoved everyone into the green truck and made it to church almost on time. The chapel was packed so we went to the other side from where we normally sit. As we were getting ready to go in, Rachel threw a fit so I sat out with her while the others went in. I finally got the problem out of her - she didn't have any shorts on under her dress. I'm not sure why this is critical. Cierra started the habit as soon as she was potty-trained and Rachel just assumes this is the normal attire for church. She survived church but we were joined in the foyer by Neil and Nick and then Cierra. The talks were good - at least from what I heard. I really enjoyed the talk given by Sister Cherrington. It was neat hearing how she had met Paul and I appreciated her testimony.

I took Rachel to nursery and ended up talking to one of the sisters I visit teach. I was supposed to teach one of the primary classes, but noticed the teacher was back. When I talked to her, she had prepared the next lesson so she sat with the kids in opening exercises, I taught the lesson, and we both went in for sharing and singing time.

Well, all the kids are showered and ready for bed so we need to go have family scriptures and prayer. Here's to another week.


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