Week Ending 7/26/09

It's been a busy week, which has been good. Lots of good and bad news which I think evened out in the end.

Monday we checked email to learn of the death of our good friend, David Hibbert. Neil sent out messages to those he was in contact with from the "old ward". I love how they always refer to it as such even though the ward changed names, boundaries, and faces multiple times. I took Aaron and Daniel shopping and then Aaron went to spend the rest of the day with a friend. Neil picked up Derek and took him shopping. While they were out, he got the phone call from Chase offering him employment in their Collections Department. We are excited that he has a job and even more excited that it is with Chase. He will have his employment history back along with immediate benefits.

Tuesday I had an appointment with WIC with the little girls. This involved getting their fingers pricked to check iron levels. They were not happy with me. But we got through it and both girls qualify. After that appointment, we went to the library to exchange materials and pick up the last of the reading program prizes. I had a meeting with a scouting friend to help her with the upcoming Wood Badge Reunion Dinner then went to the viewing for Brother Hibbert. It was odd to see the body lying there. I'd never been to a viewing before and can't say I want to repeat the experience. Not even at my own funeral. Neil, of course, knew most of the family and friends in attendance. I knew the people from the ward and a few others that are in the stake. His friend, Alec Smith, came over from New Mexico, and stayed the night with us. The kids have decided that he should be an uncle - he is pretty cool.

Wednesday I attended the funeral for the mother of another sister in the ward and Neil and Alec went to the Hibbert funeral. We received school supply lists in the mail so we put together backpacks for Daniel, Nick, and Cierra and made a list of those things we still needed. We swung by the school to drop off some paperwork, went by the bank, and ran a couple of other errands before picking Derek up. We then went shopping for the needed school supplies and other stuff. Later that night, after Neil had taken Derek back, he and I went shopping for groceries and thwarted an abduction.

Thursday I actually sat down and worked on the surveys. I got them all coded and got some swim time in with the family as well. Friday I tried to enter the information online, but was thwarted by the system. Found out it wasn't anything I had done so that made me feel better. Neil made dutch oven cobblers for the pioneer party at the church and we all headed over for that about 6 pm. We had some good dinner and Neil and I danced a couple of dances together. Note to future entertainers - do not follow the Virginia Reel with a waltz. It doesn't matter how much you love your partner, nobody wants to get that close to a sweaty body. Neil danced with me anyway.

Saturday we slept in and then did some housework. Neil took the older boys shopping (seems like there was a lot of that this week) while I swept and mopped floors. I also dyed my hair and it is now a purplish-red. I've gotten a lot of compliments on it so I must not have done too bad of a job. Then I went and hung out with a friend just to have some alone time. She introduced me to pedicures which I highly recommend to everybody.

Today we attended church. We had some great talks on the savior and the plan of salvation. I skipped Sunday School as I had to stay late in the chapel picking up the cereal pieces Rachel dropped on the floor right as the closing prayer was being said. I went and sat in the back foyer while I waited for Relief Society to start and ended up having a fun conversation with the second counselor of the bishopric. He was having to fill out a questionnaire for BYD tonight so I learned a bit more about him. He also became privy to a couple of embarrassing quirks I have. He's become a reader of my blog so he's aware that I have multiple quirks - most of which could be considered embarrassing.

We had a great lesson in Relief Society as Sister Bentley introduced me to the world of Family Search. My mother has done so much of our family history so I have taken to just sitting back and enjoying not having to do anything without the guilt. But I am interested in seeing what my mom has done and figure out if there is anything I can help with, such as temple ordinances.

After our 3-hour session, we dropped the kids off at home and then went to the Granite Reef ward to attend the farewell address of a boy who should still be 11. Seth has grown into a handsome young man and is excited to head off to Guatemala to serve the Lord. He is the third son to go and has had two excellent examples of missionary service in his older brothers. The Price family is dear to our hearts and we love the opportunity to go visit them and the rest of the GR Ward. We always get asked when we visit when we are moving back. We're not going anywhere until the house situation is finalized - which at this point could be September but of which year is hard to say. We are not in any hurry to move - mostly because the house is a great fit for our family and I despise moving. It is easy to see the benefit our children would have being in a ward where there is an active youth program but also easy to sum up the strong influence our children have in a ward where the youth program struggles for numbers. So for now, all I can say is we are here until the Lord decides he needs us elsewhere.

Have a wonderful week.


Fun quirks are what make us who we are - not embarassing, just what distinguish us from others. I enjoyed talking with you too. :)
Susie J. said…
Any idea which mission in Guatemala he's headed to? My husband served in the Guat. City North mission, many moons ago.

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