Week Ending 7/19/2009

It is definitely summer in Arizona. It is too hot to do anything - even sleep. It doesn't stop the kids from sleeping, which is nice because I can get so much more done when they're not awake. This week has been relatively boring, but we did enjoy a nice mini-vacation this weekend.

Monday I started training for a job which will allow me to work from home. It is mostly data entry and I am excited to be busy and bringing in some money. While at training, a man came in and said hi. I had one of those moments where I recognized the face and the voice but the name and the "why I know him" data eluded me. Once he left the room, I asked my trainer his name and everything clicked. I actually know his wife better than I know him and it had been a couple of years since I had seen either of them. After I finished up training, I ran by the library and switched out books and movies and picked up some of the kids' prizes for the reading program.

Tuesday I went back for some more training and then ran some errands before coming home. Aaron had scouts that night so I took him to the church then stopped to visit one of my VT sisters. She wasn't there but I chatted with her mom who was previously on my route. It was nice to catch up with her.

Wednesday was a clean the house day and I took Aaron and Daniel to see the new Harry Potter movie. It was good but disappointing on some of the changes between the book and the movie. Aaron spent the night with a friend and Daniel and I drove home in a lightning storm. Neil had a counseling session with Alyx and then they went and got something to eat. She indicated that she didn't feel a need to keep going to counseling but rather felt she and Neil could work things out on their own. This is good news at least until she has to convince her mother of the same. We'll see.

Thursday we got things ready to go out of town. This included having the alternator and battery replaced in the suburban - at least it died on us at home rather than on the trip. Neil met with Chase's employment services and we found out today that they have extended a position to him. There is some paperwork and background checks to get through first, but the nice thing is that his start date would be within the year of his termination and so he will start back with his 12 years seniority and 3 weeks vacation.

We left Friday morning to go visit Neil's brother and mother in Thatcher. We got in there about 12:30 and got the kids settled. We then worked on lunch for everybody and just spent time visiting. Saturday we got up early and went up to Mount Graham. Their ward had had a campout so we made it up there in time for breakfast and then just stayed up in the cool air hiking and playing games. We came back into town and treated the kids to snow cones. Cierra and Rachel chose ice cream cones instead and ended up wearing those more than they ate them. Nick had a cherry snow cone and spent the majority of the time trying to keep the ice in his cup or mouth with the result of red-stained hands. We have learned to travel with wet-wipes in the car at all times so we cleaned them up as best we could then headed back to the house.

Sunday was church - they have the 1:00 session. Nick and Rachel fell asleep during sacrament meeting and Cierra had a meltdown when she went to primary. Nick woke up in time to go to primary but I ended up taking Cierra and Rachel back to the house where I packed up bags in preparation to come back to Phoenix. Everyone else got back shortly after 4 pm and we pulled out leftovers for dinner. We spent some more time just visiting and I went back to mom's to finish up a puzzle Aaron had pulled out and we had started Saturday evening. We ended up not leaving until almost 7:30 but we had no time commitments so enjoyed the trip back watching the lightning flashes. The little kids fell asleep and Aaron, Daniel, Neil, and I enjoyed silly and fun conversations.

Once we got home, we got all the kids to bed and put in a movie to fall asleep to. Although I had not seen the movie, I was tired enough that I was able to fall asleep quickly. Now on to a new week.


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