Week Ending 6/21/09

First, Happy Father's Day to all those who have contributed so fully to the generations who followed. My own father was a great example to me growing up of how to be strict, yet forgiving; firm, yet kind; demanding, yet giving. No wonder I'm so wishy-washy.

I was going to write last week but was just exhausted from day camp. I'm still exhausted but we skipped church (missed both alarms and had no kids to rally us from our beds) so I'm now somewhat more conscious.

The past two weeks have been focused primarily on Cub Scout Day Camp. We love the program but it does get hard on us and the children. Cierra in particular is much more prone to fits and tantrums than normal. She's also got that independent streak that causes her to know exactly how to get under my skin at the most inopportune moments. Neil has been working at the BB Gun Range while I split my time between the pool and watching the Mowglis (staff children).

We continue to search for jobs with no luck. I've applied to DES for assistance and am hoping to hear back from them soon. We've heard nothing from the bank regarding the offer on the house so I will call tomorrow morning. The kids have excitedly begun to pack up their rooms. I'm not sure where all the excitement comes from but I know there will be relief to be out from under the responsibility of this mortgage and can only hope the Lord sees fit to provide for us before we are forced to live out of our vehicles.


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