Week ending 5/31/09

It's been a long week. The kids are finally out of school and day camp has begun. Monday was Memorial Day so we went to the breakfast at the church, headed down to set up day camp stuff and then took the kids to the Science museum to check out the Legoland display. Parking was miserable because there was also a D-backs game going on so all the parking structures we charging a flat rate of $12.00 to park. Thanks, but no thanks. The one garage that was available for museum parking didn't offer enough clearance for the suburban. (Who only allows 6 feet clearance anymore?) I finally got a tip from an event helper that we could park at a meter free of charge, but warned that we might have a bit of a walk. The walk wasn't too bad actually and we spent a couple of hours at the museum before my feet objected to any continued movement.

Aaron spent the night at a friend's house as Tuesday was the 8th grade celebration field trip. The school took them down to GameWorks - a huge video game venue. Aaron and some of his friends opted out figuring they would have more fun hanging at home playing video games than fighting for time at a GameWorks machine. Daniel and Nicholas were both uncooperative so in the end I let everybody stay home from school. I still had to get up and take my friend's son to school.

The A/C had failed Sunday afternoon on the suburban so after dropping off Zach at school, I took it over to our mechanic. The compressor had frozen up and so Tim found me a ride back home. I finally got the suburban back at 5:55. We were supposed to be at Joy School graduation at 6:00. I could have made it if it weren't for the fact that I had to take Tim back to his shop first. We finally got to the graduation at 6:30 - I am so blessed to have understanding friends who are willing to delay events.

Wednesday everyone went to school and I took the girls to the library. We picked up some cultural passes to the art museum so I'll have to go use those this week. Aaron had scouts Wednesday night, the rest of us just vegged.

Thursday I took Nick and Daniel to school - Aaron's last day was Wednesday. I got home and started cleaning house. Good thing - we got a phone call from a realtor wanting to show the house at 2:30. I took Aaron and the girls over to McDonald's (too hot to go play at a park) then went and picked the boys up at school. We got home, checked out backpacks, and got another call for another showing. I did some more tidying up then loaded everyone in the car and headed to a park (it had cooled down by now).

Friday was Nick's kindergarten graduation. They sang some songs for us and just looked cute. We had cookies and punch then I grabbed Daniel and we went home. I had a visiting teaching appointment at 11 so I tried to get a few things done before I had to leave. The appointment lasted about 2 hours and involved a food storage demonstration. I can't remember the name of the company, but it looked and tasted good and if we had income, it is something I would probably invest in.

That night I took the kids to the drive-in to see Night at the Museum and was happy when they opted not to stay for the second show. It was a late enough night as it was and I had to be up early Saturday. I had to get Aaron over to the church to catch his ride to Scout camp. We got there about 10 and we were still waiting on one of the leaders. I got a hug from Aaron before I left. He's getting soooo big. I'm really amazed at how much he is growing and maturing. He still tells me he loves me which I appreciate that with all the hormones he hasn't pulled away from me.

After dropping him off, I went home and mopped my kitchen floor then got things ready for us to head down to day camp. We left about 12:30 and I was pretty sure I was probably forgetting something. I never did discover what it was so either I didn't forget anything or it wasn't important. Day camp lasted until 9:30. Then I cleaned up the kiva, made a quick showing at the staff meeting, and headed home.

Today I was one of the speakers at church. My topic was testimony. I had been given the assignment about 3 weeks ago and I knew the direction I wanted to go, but everything I wrote down just didn't seem to flow. I had read a lot of conference addresses that were related, and somehow, it all came together. I'm not even sure exactly what I said, but a lot of people came up to me afterwards and expressed appreciation for my comments. Another testimony building experience. Because I had put in the time to prepare, I was able to convey what the Lord wanted and the spirit touched those in need.

We had more people come look at the house today. I took a long nap once they were gone and am still feeling foggy. Rachel is running a fever and complaining her stomach hurts. I'm expecting a rough night with her - hopefully she'll be able to empty her stomach and be done with it. I hurt so much when she's under the weather like this although I secretly enjoy her desire to cuddle.

Well, on to a new week.


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