Week Ending 4/12/09

Happy Easter (a little late). Hope yours was fun. Ours was okay. The Easter Bunny left a basket of goodies but didn't hide any eggs this year. I don't think anyone was the worse for it, but Nicholas is still asking when we're going to hide the eggs. I'm tempted to go take some plastic ones and be done with it. My only fear is that Ruger would find them first.

This past week has been a blur. I can't think of anything that really stands out. It was the normal school, scouts, church, and house-cleaning that normally goes on. The boys had an OA ceremony Monday and Wednesday. Aaron had YM Tuesday while Neil went to a Camporee meeting. We re-did taxes (again) only to have them rejected (again) and are now sending them in via mail with all the necessary documentation to prove which children we are legally supposed to claim.

Thursday I did an observation/lesson at Daniel's class for my Social Studies course. Only to find out today (when I read the real assignment, not the syllabus description) that I had pretty much done it wrong. It was close enough to fudge for the final presentation so we'll see how well I do. Quite honestly, I'm getting to the point of not caring. I haven't gotten anything lower than an A- in any class so far so as long as I pull a C in this class, I'm still good.

Aaron spent the night at a friend's house Thursday since he had no school Friday or today. Don't quite get that one. We had spring break about a month ago and now we are having spring recess. The younger boys both had school and despite their begging to stay home today (they had Easter parties on Friday so didn't want to miss that), we made them go.

Friday night was date night and Neil and I went to see "Taken" with Liam Neeson. Very good movie if you like action films without gore. Afterwards we went to dinner at LoneStar - a steak house that we enjoy eating at.

Saturday Neil had an NYLT Staff development meeting, the girls had a birthday party, and Aaron went to the movies with friends. Daniel went to play with some neighborhood kids so that left Nick and I to muddle around by ourselves in between driving kids somewhere. We didn't do anything special, but he did get McDonald's for lunch. We were going to go to the drive-in to see the Monsters vs. Aliens but it started pouring hail about 5:00 so we opted to stay in.

Sunday was church. Nothing exciting there though the sacrament talk that I got to hear was very well done. The sister talked about the atonement but made it personal. After church I had a couple of meetings. One was to go over a merit badge with a boy from another ward that meets in our building and the other was our enrichment committee meeting. I was able to sneak out of Relief Society a little early to take care of the MB one and after a quick discussion with the other sisters, was able to leave the building by 12:30.

Well, on to another week.


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