DC Trip

March 11, 2009 Aaron turned 14 and set off at 4:30 am for his 8th grade class trip to Washington DC. I wish I'd been able to go, as did Neil. Maybe it's something we need to do for a summer vacation trip. Aaron spent the first day mostly on the airplane and a bus. They finally reached Gettysburg that evening where they had dinner and participated in a Ghosts of Gettysburg Tour. The next morning they visited the cemetary before getting back on a bus and going back to DC. He visited numerous War Memorials, got to walk by the White House, and even met John McCain (one of AZ's senators and recent presidential candidate). Unfortunately, he was in a hallway and nobody had anything to get an autograph on, but he was rather impressed with the man.
He took my camera and got some good pictures of the various sites. One thing he looked forward was the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Neil had been given a video of the history of this memorial and Aaron watched it the night before. He found the disrespect of many of his classmates annoying and I am pleased at his strong sense of citizenship and patriotism.
He came home tired late Saturday night and slept most of Sunday. He was glad to be back but at the same time wished he'd been able to stay a bit longer.


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